QM24 BurnIn Chamber

The QM-24 HD +150 is quad burn-in chamber with 24 BiB slots. It is based on four independent thermal chambers with a 6 slot capacity each, all of which are hot only.

Main Features:

  • 24 BiB Slots
  • 4 independent thermal chambers with 6 BiB slots each
  • Fixed BiB Racks
  • Manual BiB insertion/extraction
  • Compatible with HD and HD/H BiB standards


The QM-24 is a quad burn-in chamber with a total capacity of 24 BiBs. Each chamber has a temperature range of 20 °C above ambient temperature to 150 °C, and achieves temperature ramp down by forcing ambient air into the chamber.

The rear wall of each chamber has 6 slots, mechanically suitable for a single HD or HD-H interconnection board (Extender Card).

On the rear side of each chamber there is the Driver Cabinet equipped with a rack for the test sub-system. The rack has 6 slots with a 65 mm pitch, each slot has a power connector connected to bus bars for supplying 48 V power to the test sub-system modules.

The Drivers Cabinet is cooled by forced air.

The thermal chamber doors are manually opened and BiB insertion and extraction is also performed manually. The BiB rack is not removable. The control panel contains the operator interface and system control PC monitor and keyboard. 

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Additional Info

  • Temperature: BI: [+50°C to +150°C], BI: [+50°C to +175°C] (Hot Option)
  • N° Slot: 24
  • N ° Thermal Zone: 4
  • Condensation: Water